Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Narative Expression part 2 by Jonathan Morrison

In the beginning of it all God creates this beautiful garden, alive with animals and all the vegetation imaginable. In this garden there is no fear or worry of what will come, no fear of past regrets because no decision has yet be made that will bare the fruits of negative consequences, there is just God and His creation. Alive in the glory of love Adam and his cherished Eve live. But one-day drunk on the intoxication of beauty the garden permeates; Adam and Eve set the whole thing aflame, that first and greatest national park. Forever with the scars they must leave this place never to see it again, to live and fight in the real world, something they have never seen.
What was God saying? Where was He when the cunning serpent seduced the innocent Eve? Was God Hiding? Was He afraid His beloved would choose the serpent over Him?


My mind rages with these questions, where is God now? Why don’t I see Him when I think I need to most, why can’t I feel Him? Why am I not able to lay my head on Jesus like John the Apostle? To touch the wholes in His hands like Thomas, or hear Him whisper like Elijah?
It’s taken so long to begin to understand why I am unlike those before. Knowing that Jesus isn’t here the way He was before is not a comfort, because Jesus was not physically in the Old Testament yet Elijah heard God whisper on the mountain, and Moses spoke face to face with God like they were old time friends. I don’t believe I have less of God than these men and women of the Bible, but it does seem we have a different measure of God. That He has localized Himself differently, and now we get to experience Him in a different way, but one day in the end we will get a chance to see Him like Moses did, yet unveiled and free to rest our head on the chest of God, to finally hear the heartbeat that echoes throughout philosophy and the questions of man.

Where was God when Eve was seduced by the serpent? I think He was watching, aware of the consequences and the fire that would soon be caused. He watched, heartbroken and ready to redeem Eve. To save what would soon be left of Her, to marry her the way Adam would now not be able to do. Not physically marry Eve but marry her and complete her, to save her from choice she had made. He would do this for Adam, for me, and for all the world.
God now begins the most elaborate wooing process in the History of mankind. He chooses a people; He works to ready them for the groom to end all grooms, the groom that would pay the ransom for the captured Eve. God waits at the alter for us, for the bride that is the world to walk to the alter escorted by the Spirit of God. He waits for us to arrive and say, “I do.”


  1. Very moving and well constructed. I wish I could offer a comment of more use than just a bunch of compliments, but that really was beautiful.

  2. again ki thank you, a compliment from you on my writing means quit a bit.
