The Mission of Ema is to be a catalyst for creativity in the Christian Church. We live in a beautiful but fallen world, gray lines smear the philosophical boundaries between right and wrong making it more challenging then ever to address the issues we face. We want Ema to be a place of discussion where readers can come and find dialogue on real questions of ethics, beauty, and spirituality. Hopefully by merging art, philosophy, and theology we can find creative solutions and creative encouragement to live out the kingdom of Jesus.
This is where we detail our high-minded principles. This is where we mention Truth and Beauty. This is where we tell you we want to introduce you to great art, stand up to hypocrisy, and publish thoughtful, world-shifting writing with a Christian perspective.
And in truth we do believe all of those things. More even. We want to shift the world. We believe Christians and the Church have a role to play in the narrative of the world that no one else can play. We want creativity and thoughtfulness to be Christian values once again, in fact we want them to be part of one defines and sets Christians apart.